In 2021, I went searching for healing in my life, and to heal those around me. I was suffering, those I love were in pain or living in fear, and I tried everything else from the pills, to the programs, to the doctors and therapies, and nothing seemed to work. Until I was introduced to the incredible power of reiki and the energetic healing of sound baths.
What on earth is reiki? Reiki is a form of energy palms on healing that promotes relaxation, meditations, reduces body stress, and helps with conditions such as anxiety, tramas, insomnia and more. It is a form of holistic healing that has unbelievable benefits. During a session, you typically have a practitioner that does about a 45 minutes to an hour session of palms on healing throughout your body. During so, the practitioner can have many jobs like aligning chakras, receiving information, and helping those with emotional traumas. This is something I am very passionate about, and have decided to try to integrate this into tattooing.
and what's a sound bath? what are crystal sound bowls? Imported from Nepal and made with Nepali Quartz which carry high spiritual energy, crystals from here are known for their amazing healing properties. The bowls are made of 99.993% Nepali quartz (purest available), making them incredibly resonant with magnified healing properties. Each bowl emit a powerful, healing resonant sound.
combined with a beautiful tattoo, this makes for a very powerful and truly unique healing experience.... if this calls to you, continue down to the information FOR INTUITIVE TATTOO EXPERIENCES
Reiki is a pretty neat form of hands on energy healing. Our brains and hearts vibrate on electromagnetic frequencies that directly relate to the energies in the body, promoting dis-ease or well being, and energy can be shifted and moved to rebalance our chakras or energy centers in the body. I happen to be uniquely gifted with not only some reiki skills, but have been proving myself a talented mentalist as well with a deep connection to source to gather all kinds of miraculous information to suit your healing. These help me see, hear, or feel what your body truly needs, without you having to do anything at all. It's all a bit woo-woo, but there is so much science behind this information it's unfathomable, and I have become completely obsessed with this kind of work. No medicines, pills, doctors, programs, not even having to talk at all is a pretty sweet deal.
I am a certified Reiki 2 practitioner, a mastermind fullness and mediation practitioner, and I have multiple certifications in sound bowl therapy. I have also invested numerous hours in classes and continuing education in healing, awareness, and theta healing. I do not see myself as the person healing or doing anything just here facilitating your healing .*** I do not claim to cure any illness or disease, nor am I a certified therapist or psychologist***. Now, I find this form of healing brings all kinds of people with various forms of trauma in their life, and I want to be clear that this is not something for trauma dumping or as a replacement in therapy. This is for those currently on a healing journey of self-discovery through theta healing and self-awareness.
In a world of darkness and fear, the light that beacons hope is not the sun on the distant horizon, it is YOU. To make the world a better place does not take dramatic and sudden change, but the process of healing one self. The better person you can become, the wider your light will spread to those surrounding you. This process can be scary, challenging, full of twist and turns, a journey that holds us from spreading our wings. It takes a death of ones self to know the life that burns within.
Have you been intrigued by the intuitive tattoo but was unsure about diving into the full process? Are you more adventurous and spontaneous with working on your artistic intuition?
welcome to the SPARK- a two hour freehand intuitive tattoo experience. An energetic clearing with mantra, tarot reading, and a beautiful freehand tattoo.
The custom tattoo experience you know and love. Come in ready with your ideas and inspiration, and from there I work my magic.
These are either HALF DAYS or FULL DAYS of custom tattooing included with a in person or virtual consultation. I have a base of $300/hourly minimum.
I have combined the best of the previous ember and phoenix packages, making a simple and easy experience for your unique tattoo.
Begin with a spiritual healing session, that I call "the inferno" part which is a private reiki session with a beautiful setting, mantras, hands on healing, breath work and mediations.
Included in this package is the INFERNO healing session, and later in the same week have a FULL DAY tattoo.
1800 for reiki and tattoo
add a sound bath to your inferno 2200
I did the reiki/sound bath intuitive tattoo session with Casey, and it was truly the absolute best tattoo experience I've ever had. In order to accurately review this service, I'll break it down into 2 parts:
1) Technical: I wasn't sure what to expect walking into this, but you have the whole shop to yourself for the reiki/sound bath work. I walked in and it was dark but cozy, warmth emanating from multiple lit candles surrounding the space. Casey beautifully explained about her crystal bowls, tuning forks, Tibetan singing bowl, and other various objects she would be incorporating during our session.
After we were done, I broke for lunch and came back to a now open shop, and an immaculately drawn tattoo. Despite the shop being open and the dark and cozy atmosphere gone, it was still such a wonderfully laid back vibe. My tattoo turned out INCREDIBLE, Casey is truly so incredibly gifted at what she does, and takes her time and perfects her work.
2) Spiritual: Casey is so in tune, it's insane. She told me things she couldn't possibly know throughout our energy session together, specific details that shocked me. She is incredibly gifted at tattoos, no doubt, but also at being in tune and receptive to energy. After our time together I felt so lifted and free, and that beautiful energy carried throughout the day for me. When we discussed the tattoo, in my head I was telling myself that I couldn't see it being a face or animal, but rather an object/symbolic design. As I was thinking that to myself, Casey said out loud pretty much verbatim what I was thinking, and I knew we were on the exact same wavelength.
The craziest part: when I came back to see the drawing of the tattoo, my mouth dropped open. She had designed a tattoo that had a vase pouring water in such a way, that it was near identical to a design of a tattoo I had wanted, nearly 13 years ago. There's no possible way she could have known that, we never talked about it. I knew then and there that my trust in her was fully warranted, she is the real deal for tattoos and energy work.
If you are on the fence about doing this amazing service, don't be. Casey knows exactly what she is doing, she was meant to do this work, and getting to benefit from that was a true honor.
*if you want to see the tattoo, it's available on her Instagram, she has much better pictures of it. It's a vase pouring water, surrounded by gorgeous stars and intricate designs*
Once a season I host a sound bath for $22, 12 spots dates listed above evening 7:30m-8:30pm. The sign up is available on when announced. Space is tight and you must bring your own blanket/yoga mat
Every 4th Sunday beginning in May 2023, from 4pm-5pm, I am hosting a public sound bath at a gorgeous healing center in Sparks Maryland. These are $40 per person and 15 slots are available per class. 3 must register to perform. EVERYTHING you need is covered.
why the price difference? my studio is small and provides a limited experience. Truth Mindy and body gives the whole hookup of lighting effects, a grand studio space, video and sound effects, and all materials covered for us.
I book private and groups sound baths starting at $120/hr (most are about an hour) email to book.