Books will not open again until 2026
thank you for your interest!
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Currently, my work is focused on creating beautiful floral, mandala, and ornamental/geometric work that compliments the body. I also love to work on pieces that feature delicate line work and tattoos with stippled or dot work black and grey. Everything I do is custom designed just for you, all with my flare on it! I am also on a journey of intuitive tattooing, with reiki and sound healing as a unique combination, igniting the most transformative tattoo processes every created.
With that in mind, I do have a very high demand and I only take on projects like this in my style and interests. At a given time my books are either “open” or “closed”. When my books are "closed", it means I am not taking on any appointments, consultations, or inquiries at that time because my calendar is fulled to capacity. About once every year I “open” my books. At this time, a request form becomes available on this website and if you are interested in working together, you would submit a formal request. I keep the request form available for about 24-48 hours to allow all requests to flow in, and then close my books.
At that time I go through all requests, select which projects I’m most interested in taking, and send those accepted a link to schedule their consultation. I unfortunately cannot accept everyone’s request, I wish I could. But I am very selective about which projects I take to keep my calendar at a comfortable pace and keep my portfolio growing in my focused body of work.
Thank you so much for your interest in working together! Hope to see you around the studio!
Casey Hart
As a female American tattoo artist in the 21st century, I have been observing our culture and the world surrounding us, especially since the events of the more recent years. After opening a business and traveling, along with battling my own childhood, health, personal and family trauma, I have learned that many of are living in a state of permanent fear, anxiety, and a hyper fixation on DOING. We live in a constant spinning vortex of expectations, validation, and a spiraling down fall of our self-worth and overall love toward ourselves and each other. In a repetitve story of trying to control or fit in, or difficulty with boundaries and self-discovery, I learned there are patterns of fear anger, guilt, all kinds of gnarly feelings we have all have been crawling out of, desperate for help or for escape. We leave little time and space for BEING, and even if found the time and space, WE DON’T KNOW HOW.
I learned that the world became a better place when my inner world became a safe haven. To change the world doesn’t start with opening a homeless shelter or donating money or food, it starts with healing the person that has been here since the day you were born, and leaves with you the day you die. This person is you, and every thought, intention, spoken word and movement are who you are in your being. This becomes how every person and place remembers its interaction with you, etching a picture of the essence of you. Wouldn't you want that impression to come from a more authentic place, a place that is truly you at your best self?
I decided to do something crazy, as the type-A control freak super organized go 120% at all times type person that I am, and remove all control from my life a few years ago. I leaned into my authentic self, let go of what I could not control, and then came my courage. I did this in my personal life, my health, and the last step was my business. I typically need to know every detail of every little thing of your idea, concept, inspirations, budget, size, to tattoo, however, the more I leaned into the unknown, the more I discovered that art is meant to be created from a small voice on the inside, the nature surrounding us, a feeling, a sound, the parts of being human. Art, truly beautiful art, comes from within. It comes from what we NEED more so than what we think we want, what we are searching for, what we wish to embody. Art has survived century after century as is cultivated by the ones that not only listen, but actually hear the collective message that is screaming to come through. Are you ready to listen with me?
Waiting is hard, I get it! In the mean time, sign up for an email notification so you know the moment they open! Generally, books open ONCE A YEAR. They stay open for a few days to let requests flow in! It takes me about 2 weeks to go through and accept the requests I can work with for the year.
When books are open, come back here to submit a booking request form! Be as thorough as you can about your tattoo. I select projects based on my style and interests. Those accepted, get sent a link to schedule their consultation within a few weeks.
I will send accepted requests a link to schedule a consultation. At the consult, we discuss the idea in depth and receive a quote. From there if you want to work together, we schedule your appointment with a deposit! I book about 2-6 months from the consult depending on the time of year.
In a world of darkness and fear, the light that beacons hope is not the sun on the distant horizon, it is YOU. To make the world a better place does not take dramatic and sudden change, but the process of healing one self. The better person you can become, the wider your light will spread to those surrounding you. This process can be scary, challenging, full of twist and turns, a journey that holds us from spreading our wings. It takes a death of ones self to know the life that burns within.
Have you been intrigued by the intuitive tattoo but was unsure about diving into the full process? Are you more adventurous and spontaneous with working on your artistic intuition?
welcome to the SPARK- a two hour freehand intuitive tattoo experience. An energetic clearing with mantra, tarot reading, and a beautiful freehand tattoo.
The custom tattoo experience you know and love. Come in ready with your ideas and inspiration, and from there I work my magic.
These are either HALF DAYS or FULL DAYS of custom tattooing included with a in person or virtual consultation. I have a base of $300/hourly minimum.
I have combined the best of the previous ember and phoenix packages, making a simple and easy experience for your unique tattoo.
Begin with a spiritual healing session, that I call "the inferno" part which is a private reiki session with a beautiful setting, mantras, hands on healing, breath work and mediations.
Included in this package is the INFERNO healing session, and later in the same week have a FULL DAY tattoo.
2200 for reiki and tattoo
add a sound bath to your inferno 2400
I did the reiki/sound bath intuitive tattoo session with Casey, and it was truly the absolute best tattoo experience I've ever had. In order to accurately review this service, I'll break it down into 2 parts:
1) Technical: I wasn't sure what to expect walking into this, but you have the whole shop to yourself for the reiki/sound bath work. I walked in and it was dark but cozy, warmth emanating from multiple lit candles surrounding the space. Casey beautifully explained about her crystal bowls, tuning forks, Tibetan singing bowl, and other various objects she would be incorporating during our session.
After we were done, I broke for lunch and came back to a now open shop, and an immaculately drawn tattoo. Despite the shop being open and the dark and cozy atmosphere gone, it was still such a wonderfully laid back vibe. My tattoo turned out INCREDIBLE, Casey is truly so incredibly gifted at what she does, and takes her time and perfects her work.
2) Spiritual: Casey is so in tune, it's insane. She told me things she couldn't possibly know throughout our energy session together, specific details that shocked me. She is incredibly gifted at tattoos, no doubt, but also at being in tune and receptive to energy. After our time together I felt so lifted and free, and that beautiful energy carried throughout the day for me. When we discussed the tattoo, in my head I was telling myself that I couldn't see it being a face or animal, but rather an object/symbolic design. As I was thinking that to myself, Casey said out loud pretty much verbatim what I was thinking, and I knew we were on the exact same wavelength.
The craziest part: when I came back to see the drawing of the tattoo, my mouth dropped open. She had designed a tattoo that had a vase pouring water in such a way, that it was near identical to a design of a tattoo I had wanted, nearly 13 years ago. There's no possible way she could have known that, we never talked about it. I knew then and there that my trust in her was fully warranted, she is the real deal for tattoos and energy work.
If you are on the fence about doing this amazing service, don't be. Casey knows exactly what she is doing, she was meant to do this work, and getting to benefit from that was a true honor.
*if you want to see the tattoo, it's available on her Instagram, she has much better pictures of it. It's a vase pouring water, surrounded by gorgeous stars and intricate designs*
On my 54th birthday, I had a Phoenix session with Casey. From the moment we scheduled my session, Casey's warmth and authenticity made me feel completely at ease with the process. And when I walked into the meditation and sound bath that day, it felt like coming home.
Casey's ability to tune into your energy, to sense the journey you're walking, and where you are on your path deepens the tattoo experience into a spiritual experience. And when she creates the images for your tattoo, she is creating a unique and beautiful piece of art with deep meaning -- something that reflects who you truly are, and something that is truly magical.
So, at age 54, I received the gift of a beautiful shoulder piece that truly reflects who I am, and the deep experience I had with Casey.
If you are thinking about working with Casey, do it. If you are looking for an experience beyond tattooing, something to feed your deepest self, and leave you with body art that's unique to you, this is it.
I am sure this will not be my first tattoo with Casey. She truly has a calling, and walking with her on this path has been a true gift to my soul. 🦋
There are so many wonderful things I could say about this tattoo shop that I’m unsure how to fit it into a review! I had the absolute gift and pleasure of working with Casey on her Intuitive Tattoo process and I have never in my life had an experience like it. We had an entire day together, where she performed a Sound Bath and a Reiki session that made us so connected. She then drew a tattoo based on our experience together and it is incredible! She is so empathic, lovely, talented, and beyond anyone I have ever met. The atmosphere of the shop is so calming and inviting, and I’ve never had an experience like it at any other tattoo shop. Even down to the bathroom, which is it’s own haven filled with products for customers of all kinds. Learning Casey’s story, and how her shop came to be, explains the beautiful experience had here by her, and her awesome team’s, passionate work. I would recommend this shop a thousand times over! I can’t wait to go back. Thank you for everything.
THE PHOENIX - this is your sign to say YES if you're looking for a transformative experience and life-changing tattoo!
It's taken me awhile to put into words how powerful and meaningful this tattoo was, because most see it as "just a tattoo", but the depth of that day was very real.
We started the day with a 2 hour reiki and sound bath session. Casey was in tune and on the same frequency from the moment I walked in the door. During our reiki session, she picked up on things I've never shared with anyone. She is the real deal. I immediately felt calm, relaxed, and comforted in her presence. She explains what's happening every step of the way, while giving so much love.
We took a lunch break and I came back to the most beautiful and meaningful drawing, one I couldn't even have come up with if I tried. How she was able to draw that in 1 hr and 11 minutes (111!) blows my mind.
The tattoo experience alone was worth every penny. She is an extremely skilled artist (I would trust her to free hand) while also maintaining a high standard for cleanliness and supplies used. Even though we spent almost the entire day together, it felt like it went by so fast. Talking to her was like talking to an old friend.
She was above and beyond on her communication. We chatted several times before hand, she messaged the day before, and was lightning fast responsive when I had a follow-up care question.
Casey is an incredibly skilled artist and healer. Her ability to tune into energy AND tattoo are out of this world. If you are lucky enough to have the chance to work with Casey, you will learn she is a warrior herself and has risen from the ashes. She was meant to connect and heal through her artwork <3
A piece like this takes me approximately 3 hours to complete from the beginning to the end of the appointment. This would be around 700-1000. I tend to give these a flat rate at your consult or have smaller pieces available as flash that range from 300-600.
A tattoo at this size requires about 6 hours of my tattoo time. A piece of this detail and intricacy would be around 1800-2000. This involves many hours of drawing and designing to ensure the best possible outcome of placement, flow, and the way it fits uniquely to your body. Booking a full day is common for an average client.
This piece was done in 2 sessions, of about 5 hours each. This is typically how I will book larger and more detailed work. These types of pieces range from 2000-2500- and larger more sessions are closer to 3000-4200 after all is said and done! These take hours of research, sketching, drawing, designing, and consulting to give you the tattoo of your dreams!
Please do not contact for quotes. Quotes are only given at in person consultations. See Pricing information on the booking information page.
2021 Liberty Road, Sykesville, Maryland 21784, United States
Tuesday-Saturday: 11am-7pm
Sunday and Mondays- closed